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Tarragon Chicken with Vermouth Cream Sauce (a recipe by Nigella Lawson) - Pui cu sos de tarhon

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

 Serves 2:

- 2 teaspoons garlic flavored oil
- 2 fat scallions or 4 skinny ones, thinly sliced
- 1/2 teaspoon freeze-dried tarragon
- 2 chicken breats fillets, skinless and boneless
- 1/3 cup vermouth or white wine
- 1/4 teaspoon table salt or 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- fresh white pepper
- 2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon, plus a pinch more for sprinkling (can be replaced with fresh parsley)

Pentru doua persoane:
- 2 lingurite ulei infuzat cu usturoi
- 2 cepe verzi mai groase sau 4 mai subtiri, taiate marunt
- 1/2 lingurita de tarhon uscat
- 2 fileuri de piept de pui, dezosate si dezpielitate
- 1/4 lingurita sare
- 100 ml frisca lichida
- piper alb
- 2 lingurite tarhon proaspat tocat, plus inca putin ( se poate inlocui cu patrunjel proaspat)

As I didn't have garlic flavored oil, I improvised by adding one grated garlic clove in the heating olive oil. I used a frying pan that has a lid and in which the chicken breasts fit pretty snugly.

N-am avut ulei infuzat cu usturoi, asa ca am improvizat, am adaugat un catel de usturoi ras in uleiul de masline pus la incins intr-o tigaie cu capac, in care pieptii de pui sa intre la fix

I added the scallions, stirred, then sprinkled in the freeze-dried tarragon, stirred again and cooked them in the garlic flavored oil for a minute, stirring some more as they cooked

Am adaugat ceapa verde, amestecat, adaugat tarhonul uscat, am amestecat din nou si le-am lasat un minut, amestecand inca de cateva ori

I put the chicken fillets into the pan, curved side down, and cook for 5 minutes, watching that the scallions didn't burn (if they look like they're beginning to burn, scrape them from the pan and let them sit on the chicken pieces)

Am pus fileurile de pui in tigaie si am lasat la prajit 5 minute, cu grija ca sa nu se arda ceapa (daca da semne ca incepe sa se arda, puneti-o peste pieptii de pui)

I turned over the breasts and added the vermouth (you can also use white wine). I let the vermouth bubble up, then I added less salt then the recipe called for, because the vermouth I used is a bit salty. I then put the lid on, turned the heat down to low and left it to gently simmer for 13-15 minutes until the chicken was cooked through.

Am intors pieptul pe partea cealalta si am adaugat vermutul (se poate inlocui cu vin alb). L-am lasat sa fiarba putin, apoi am adaugat sarea. Am acoperit si lasat sa fiarba la foc mic cam 13-15 minute, pana a fost gata puiul.

I removed the chicken breasts to warmed plates, then brought the remaining liquid to a boil. I added the cream and stirred well

Am pus pieptul de pui pe farfurii incalzite, am adus restul de lichid la punctul de fierbere, apoi am adaugat frisca lichida si am amestecat bine

Then I sprinkled in some more tarragon and white pepper and allowed it to cook for a couple of minutes.

Am mai adaugat niste tarhon si piper alb, am mai lasat 2 minute

I added on the plate as side dish some white basmati rice forked through with a tablespoon of butter and ground white pepper, poured the sauce over the chicken breasts and gave a final scattering of tarragon to serve (can be replaced with fresh parsley)

Am servit cu orez basmati in care am pus o lingura de unt si niste piper alb, am turnat sosul peste pui si am mai presarat tarhon (se poate inlocui cu patrunjel proaspat tocat)


Pofta mare!


Green Girl @ A little bit of everything said...

aha, ai o reteta pe blog si pe culi n-ai pus-o
tz tz tz

Anonymous said...

I hope you turn fire off on the time. Because the cream can split in two.

A admirer.

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