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Zucchini and Feta Cheese Pie - Budinca de dovlecei cu branza Feta

Monday, January 3, 2011

I've got this recipe from Dora_m and let me tell you, it's outrageously easy to make! I used the following:
Am reteta de la Dora_m si este nemaipomenit de usor de facut! Am folosit urmatoarele:

- 4 peeled zucchini (about 1 lb) - 4 dovlecei curatati de coaja (cam 1/2 kg)
- 3/4 lb Feta cheese - 300 gr branza Feta
- 2 eggs - 2 oua
- 5 tablespoons rice - 5 linguri orez
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour - 3 linguri faina
- coriander, dill, salt and pepper to taste - coriandru, marar, sare si piper dupa gust
- 3 garlic cloves (optional)- 3 catei de usturoi (optional)
- 100 ml (1/3 cup) olive oil - 100 ml ulei de masline

For topping: - pentru topping
- 1/2 cup kefir (can be replaced with a mix of yogurt and sour cream) - 1/2 cana kefir
- 1 egg - 1 ou
- olive oil - ulei de masline

First I shredded the zucchini and put them in a large bowl. Then, because my cheese was cubed and therefore I could not shred it, I crumbled it over the zucchini. I added the eggs, rice, flour, olive oil, grated garlic cloves, coriander, pepper, dried dill, and just a little bit of salt, because the cheese was salty enough.

Am inceput prin a rade dovleceii, pe care i-am pus intr-un castron mare. Apoi, pentru ca branza era cuburi si n-o puteam da pe razatoare, am sfaramat-o peste dovleceii rasi. Am adaugat ouale, orezul, faina, uleiul de masline, cateii de usturoi rasi si ei, coriandrul, piperul, marar uscat si putina sare, fiindca branza era destul de sarata.

I mixed everything very well to combine and poured the mix in a safe-oven dish

Am amestecat bine totul si am turnat intr-un vas care merge la cuptor

I sprinkled over the composition about 1 tablespoon of flour

Deasupra am presarat cam o lingura de faina

Then I prepared the topping, by beating 1 egg and mixing it with the kefir and a splash of olive oil

Si am pregatit toppingul: am batut un ou si l-am amestecat cu kefirul si putin ulei de masline

Spread the topping over the composition

Am turnat toppingul peste compozitie, repartizandu-l uniform

Place the dish in the pre-heated oven at 350F for 50-55 minutes. This is the result

Am pus vasul la cuptorul incalzit la 350F (175 C) pentru 50-55 minute. Iata rezultatul

I'll come back with a section tomorrow, right now it's too hot ;)

As promised, here is the final:

Si sectiunea:

In my humble opinion, it tastes much better when cooled than when it's warm, after it had time to set.

Dupa parerea mea, are gust mai bun dupa ce s-a racit si a avut vreme sa se aseze

Thank you, Dora! Enjoy, everybody!

Multumesc, Dora! Pofta mare tuturor!


Green Girl @ A little bit of everything said...

nu-mi vine sa cred, mi se pusese si mie s-o fac pe la Craciun dar m-am luat cu altele si-am uitat. acu' nu mai am scapare, sigur sigur o fac
saru'mana de reimprospatat memoria :-*

A little bit of everything said...

Thank you Guvi for sharing this delicious recipe with us. Looking forward to future ones.

Magic of Spice said...

I saw this over at Roxana's (Green Girl), wonderful recipe :)

Guvi said...

Thank you for visiting me and for your nice comment, Magic of Spice! I'm looking forward to having you around again!

Maya said...

Suna bine.Eu colectionez retete cu zucchini :)
Merci,si salutari ca nu te-am mai vazut de mult :*

Guvi said...

Multumesc, stiu ca tu esti pasionata de zucchini :)). Pupici!

Anonymous said...

Is the rice cooked?

Guvi said...


Yes, the rice is perfectly cooked, do not worry!

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