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Mini-Meatballs Sour Soup

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This must be one of the all-favourite traditional dishes we had back home. My daughter is crazy about it and dances around whenever I tell her we have it on the menu.  It may take a little bit of time, but I guarantee it is definitely worth it!

This is what I used for starters:

- 1 large yellow onion, chopped
- 2 carrots, peeled and finely sliced
- 3 celery stalks, finely sliced
- 1 parsnip, peeled and finely sliced

All veggies went to soften into 2 tablespoons olive oil, for about 7-8 minutes

In the meantime I prepared the mini-meatballs by mixing 1 lb ground beef with 2 eggs, 1 handful of rice, seasoned salt (I used Lawry's) and pepper to taste plus some dried parsley

Now let's go back to the soup. After the veggies have softened, add 4 quarts of either beef stock or water to the pot (I used 2 quarts beef stock and 2 quarts water), stir and bring to a boil on medium heat.

While the liquid is getting to the boiling point, it's time to make the mini-meatballs; take a little bit of the meat composition and roll it into 1-inch balls; lay them on a plate

After all mini-balls are finished, start dropping them into the soup.

Make sure you turn the heat to low, cover the pot and allow them to cook for about 15-20 minutes.

Finely chop two tomatoes and add them to the pot, together with vinegar or lemon juice to taste

 Let everything boil for 10-15 minutes

When everything is cooked add one bunch of parsley, chopped

I served it with homemade baguettes

and plenty of sour cream :D. Enjoy!


Alina---Explora Cuisine said...

Foarte buna, una dintre preferatele mele! Si eu o fac la fel ca si tine :) banuiesc ca toti romanii o fac la fel, nu? O zi frumoasa iti doresc!

Paradis said...

E preferata mea supa si-o pregatesc mereu cu carnita de turkey.Arata tare bine.Un weekend placut.(budinca de orez ma atrage poate next week)

Alina---Explora Cuisine said...

Guvi, daca iti face placere te astept cu drag sa participi la provocarea lunii mai "Dulce Romanie". Poti vedea mai multe detalii la mine pe blog :) Te pup si iti doresc o saptamana frumoasa!

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