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Risotto cu sparanghel, menta si lamaie, reteta lui Jamie Oliver - Asparagus, mint and lemon risotto (recipe by Jamie Oliver)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ingredientele, in toata splendoarea lor:

The ingredients:

Menta trebuia sa fie proaspata, insa in casa am avut doar uscata, iar supa de legume, un litru, era pe foc. Sa nu-mi ziceti de parmezanul gata ras, stiu si eu, de-asta au avut la magazinul de jostongue.gif

The recipe calls for fresh mint, but I only had dried. The vegetable stock, 1 quart and 2 tablespoons (one liter), was simmering in another pot. Don't blame me for the already grated Parmesan, that's what I found at the grocery store downstairs.

Am taiat ceapa si telina

Chop the onion and celery stalks

Am pus la topit pe foc mai mititel jumatate de lingura de unt cu doua linguri de ulei de masline, in care am adaugat ceapa si telina si le-am lasat sa se inmoaie

Put the butter to melt on low heat with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add the celery and onion and let them soften

am adaugat 300 gr orez si-am amestecat

add 300 grams (10 oz) of rice and stir

Am pus vinul alb, cam 100 ml, amestecand in continuare

add the white wine, about 100 ml or 1/2 cup, and keep stirring until de alcohol is evaporated, leaving the rice with a lovely perfume

De aici se continua cu pregatirea traditionala a risottoului, se adauga cate un polonic de supa fierbinte si se amesteca pana e absorbit de orez, apoi se adauga urmatorul polonic de supa.

From here continue with the routine preparation of risotto, adding one ladle of hot stock at a time, stirring until all the stock is fully absorbed by the rice before adding the next ladle. Turn the heat down to low so rice doesn't cook too quickly, otherwise the outside of each grain will be stodgy and the inside hard and nutty, and continue to add ladlefuls of stock until it has all been absorbed. This should take about 14-15 minutes and give you rice that is beginning to soften but is still al dente.

Amestecatul in risotto continua, printre picaturi se taie sparanghelul, partea lemnoasa (2 cm jumatate) se arunca, varfurile se pastreaza oarecum intacte

Finely chop the asparagus stalks into tiny discs, keeping the tips whole

Cand risottoul e aproape gata se adauga sparanghelul, inca putina supa, si se amesteca in continuare

When the risotto is almost done, add the asparagus, a little bit more stock and stir

Risottoul, spune Jamie, trebuie sa fie moale, cremos, putintel mai apos decat credeti ca il vreti. Se ia de pe foc si se adauga 4 linguri de unt, vreo 2 maini de parmezan ras, coaja rasa si zeama de la o lamaie, menta dupa gust. Se drege de sare si piper:

The risotto should hold its shape but be soft, creamy and oozy, and the overall texture should be slightly looser than you think you want it. Turn off the heat, beat in the butter, Parmesan, mint, the juice and zest of a lemon. Check the seasoning, add salt and pepper if needed.

Se amesteca bine, se pune capacul pe cratita si se lasa sa se odihneasca 1-2 minute

Stir well to combine all the ingredients, then put a lid on the pan and let the risotto rest for 1-2 minutes

Se serveste

Serve and enjoy!


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