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Supa-crema de rosii coapte - Roasted Tomatoes Cream Soup

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ingredientele, in ordinea numerelor de pe tricou, ar fi:
Let's see the ingredients:

- 8 rosii, taiate jumatati - 8 halved tomatoes
- 2 ardei grasi, curatati si taiati in sferturi - 2 bell peppers, cleaned and quartered
- 1 ceapa medie, curatata si taiata in sferturi - 1 medium onion, cleaned and quartered
- 8 catei de usturoi (ai mei au fost mai mari, am pus doar 6) - 8 small garlic cloves (mine were larger, I only used 6)
- 4 linguri ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri otet balsamic - 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1,5 litri supa de legume (a mea a fost de pui, ca asa s-a nimerit) - 1.5 quarts vegetable or chicken broth
- 150-180 gr pasta de tomate - 5 oz tomato paste
- thyme proaspat (o varianta mai occidentalizata cica a cimbrului), merge si uscat daca proaspat nu e - fresh or dried thyme
- sare, piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste

Se preincalzeste cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius. Rosiile, ardeii si ceapa se aranjeaza cu pielita in sus intr-o tava.

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Lay the tomatoes, bell peppers and onion skin up on a baking sheet.

Imagine Atasata

Se amesteca usturoiul dat pe razatoare sau taiat marunt (cum preferati), sarea, piperul, thyme, otetul balsamic, 2 linguri de ulei de masline

Combine the grated (or finely chopped, if you prefer) garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, balsamic vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small recipient

Imagine Atasata

Acest preafrumos si gustos amestec

Imagine Atasata

se toarna cu duiosie peste legume

pour the mix over the vegetables

Imagine Atasata

dupa care se introduce tava la cuptor pentru 45-50 minute.

and put the baking sheet in the oven for 45-40 minutes.

Cand legumele sunt gata, intr-o oala de supa se incalzesc cele doua linguri de ulei ramase cu pasta de tomate.

When the veggies are baked, heat the 2 remaining tablespoons of olive oil with the tomato paste

Imagine Atasata

Se adauga legumele scoase din cuptor, cu tot sosul pe care l-au lasat in tava, si se amesteca fara mila

Add the baked veggies and their juices, stir to combine

Imagine Atasata

Acum e momentul sa turnam si zeama de supa de legume (mie mi-a fugit din poza, scuze), si mai lasam 5-10 minute sa se imprieteneasca toate.

Add the vegetable broth and allow to boil together for 5-10 mimutes

Imagine Atasata

Dupa ce au dat un clocot-doua, se introduce in oala mixerul/blenderul/cum vreti sa-l numiti pentru supa si se transforma totul intr-o minunata crema la care se adauga busuioc, de preferinta proaspat. Aici am constatat ca nu mai am decat uscat, asa ca asta am pus.

After everything came up to a boil, use the vertical mixer to transform the content into a cream. Add basil (preferably fresh, but I only had dried) and serve.

Imagine Atasata

Pofta mare!



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