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Thanksgiving - the bird

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

A few images with the monster:

the wooden spoon, for measure :))

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (sounds familiar, doesn't it?), plus 1 gal vegetable broth, 5 bay leaves, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 gal water, everything brought to a boil and let to cool at room temperature, after which I invited the turkey in for a bath and placed the whole thing in the fridge for one day.

The bird rested in the preheated oven at 450F for 4 hrs. It was juicy, succulent, moist, a pleasure to eat!

And the finished turkey (sorry, the persons in the picture are of no interest here :)))  

Happy Black Friday!
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Sandi said...

unde-i curcanu'copt?

Guvi said...

stai asa, ca n-am poza inca :))

Dana said...

am venit dupa miros;cautam salata de brocoli cruzi.

Sandi said...

deci persoana din imagine e responsabila cu furtul curcanului gata copt!!bine ca l-ai gasit, ca nu-mi placea curcanu asa necopt , cu pielea necoapta, nebronzata...

Guvi said...

n=a furat nimic, ala e directorul, taia pasaroiul :)) (zurlio :P)

Sandi said...

aha, deci furt la nivel inalt!:))

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