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Let's make some tasty, easy food

another Tom Jones, maybe?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wonderful singer, too bad he was born in the wrong place at the wrong time

Born Free

I just love this song:

Tomato Soup with Israeli Cous-cous - Supa de rosii cu cuscus israelian

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Foarte rapid si simplu de facut, satioasa si foarte gustoasa, iata mai jos ingredientele:

Very fast and simple to make, filling and very tasty, here are the ingredients:

Attached Image

in traducere libera:

- 2 linguri de ulei de masline - 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 ceapa, tocata - 1 chopped onion
- 1-2 morcovi, maruntiti - 1-2 chopped carrots
- 400 gr. rosii maruntite - 1 pound chopped tomatoes
- 6 catei de usturoi, tocati marunt - 6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 1,5 l supa de legume sau de pui - 1.5 quarts soup (vegetable or chicken)
- 200-250 gr cuscus israelian - 1/2 pound Israeli cous-cous
- 2-3 tulpini de menta, maruntite, sau ceva menta uscata - 2-3 sprigs of fresh mint or some dry mint
- 1/4 lingurita de chimen pisat - 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/4 legatura de coriandru proaspat (eu am pus cateva boabe uscate si pisate) - 1/4 bunch fresh coriander, I replaced with some dry ground coriander
- sare, piper cayenne (eu am pus negru), dupa gust - salt, cayenne pepper to taste

Eu am injumatatit cantitatile de mai sus, voi faceti cum doriti D.gif.
I halved these quantities, of course you can do as you wish.

Se incinge uleiul, se adauga ceapa si morcovul si se calesc la foc mic pentru aproximativ 10 minute, pana se inmoaie.

Heat the oil, add the onion and carrots and leave on low heat for about 10 minutes, till they soften.

Piept de pui "neumplut" cu prosciutto, provolone si salvie - Prosciutto Provolone and Sage "Unstuffed" Chicken Breast

De ce avem nevoie: - Ingredients:

- piept de pui taiat felii subtiri - thinly sliced chicken breast
- prosciutto, un nr. de felii egale cu cele de pui - prosciutto, same number of slices as the chicken breast
- branza provolone rasa (o cana) - grated Provolone cheese (one cup)
- smantana lichida cam 50 ml - 50 ml heavy cream
- vin alb cam jumatate de pahar (100 ml) - about 1/2 cup white wine (can be replaced with chicken stock)
- 4-5 frunze de salvie proaspata, maruntite - 4-5 chopped fresh sage leaves
- sare, piper - salt and pepper to taste
- pesmet pt snitele, al meu a fost cu nush ce gusturi de ierburi - breadcrumbs
- reteta mai cere 7 gr de porcini deshidratate, clatite si maruntite, da' mandra mea nu mananca ciuperci, asa c-am bagat ulei infuzat cu porcini, sa-mpac si capra si varza - 7 grams of dehydrated porcini mushrooms, I used some porcini infused oil instead

Am procedat asa:
- intr-o tigaie mare am pus la incins cam 2 lingurite din uleiul infuzat, peste care am adaugat puiul sarat si piperat pe ambele fete si-am lasat cam 3 minute la prajit

Salt and pepper the chicken breast slices on both sides. Heat 2 teaspoons of the porcini infused oil in a large pan, add the chicken breast and fry on one side for about 3 minutes

- am stins focul, am intors puiul pe partea ailalta, dupa care am asezat peste partea prajita prosciuttoul (eu am pus cate 2 felii de prosciutto)

Turn off the heat, turn the chicken over and cover with the prosciutto slices (I used 2 slices of prosciutto for each chicken breast)

Potato and Roasted Garlic Soup - Supa de cartofi cu usturoi copt

Avem nevoie de: - Ingredients
- 2 capatani mici de usturoi (sau una mare) - cam 20 de catei - about 20 cloves of garlic
- 0,5 kg cartofi - 1 pound potatoes
- cam 2 litri de supa de legume (sau de pui, sau de vita) - about 2 quarts broth (vegetable, chicken or beef broth)
- sare, piper, patrunjel pt. ornat - salt, pepper, parsley to decorate

Intai si-ntai am pus la copt usturoiul, necuratat, in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 grade C, cam 35 minute, pana ce a fost moale la mijloc.

First place the garlic to bake in the not-heated oven, at 400 F, for  about 35 minutes, until soft in the middle

Am curatat cartofii - peel the potatoes

Supa-crema de ceapa verde - Cream of Spring Onions Soup


We need:

- 2 legaturi ceapa verde (cam 150 gr) - 2 bunches scallions
- 2 linguri/25 gr de unt - 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 ceapa uscata mica, taiata marunt - 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
- 250 gr cartofi, curatati si taiati cubulete - 1/2 lb potatoes, peeled and cubed
- 2 linguri zeama lamaie - 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 600 ml supa de legume (ori de pui/vita) - 2/3 quarts vegetable stock (or chicken/beef)
- 350 ml smantana lichida - 1.3 cups light cream
- sare, piper alb - salt, white pepper
- ceapa ciorii pt decorat (sau ceapa verde ) - chives to garnish

Se toaca marunt toata ceapa (verde si uscata) si se pune la dunstuit in 2 linguri de unt (se poate inlocui cu ulei de masline), se acopera si se lasa vreo 10 minute pe foc foarte mic:

Finely chop all the onions (spring onion and yellow), heat the butter (can be replaced with olive oil) in a small pot, add the onion, cover and allow to soften on very low heat

Supa-crema de rosii coapte - Roasted Tomatoes Cream Soup

Ingredientele, in ordinea numerelor de pe tricou, ar fi:
Let's see the ingredients:

- 8 rosii, taiate jumatati - 8 halved tomatoes
- 2 ardei grasi, curatati si taiati in sferturi - 2 bell peppers, cleaned and quartered
- 1 ceapa medie, curatata si taiata in sferturi - 1 medium onion, cleaned and quartered
- 8 catei de usturoi (ai mei au fost mai mari, am pus doar 6) - 8 small garlic cloves (mine were larger, I only used 6)
- 4 linguri ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri otet balsamic - 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1,5 litri supa de legume (a mea a fost de pui, ca asa s-a nimerit) - 1.5 quarts vegetable or chicken broth
- 150-180 gr pasta de tomate - 5 oz tomato paste
- thyme proaspat (o varianta mai occidentalizata cica a cimbrului), merge si uscat daca proaspat nu e - fresh or dried thyme
- sare, piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste

Se preincalzeste cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius. Rosiile, ardeii si ceapa se aranjeaza cu pielita in sus intr-o tava.

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Lay the tomatoes, bell peppers and onion skin up on a baking sheet.

Imagine Atasata

Se amesteca usturoiul dat pe razatoare sau taiat marunt (cum preferati), sarea, piperul, thyme, otetul balsamic, 2 linguri de ulei de masline

Combine the grated (or finely chopped, if you prefer) garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, balsamic vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small recipient

Imagine Atasata

Acest preafrumos si gustos amestec

Imagine Atasata

se toarna cu duiosie peste legume

pour the mix over the vegetables

Imagine Atasata

Risotto cu sparanghel, menta si lamaie, reteta lui Jamie Oliver - Asparagus, mint and lemon risotto (recipe by Jamie Oliver)

Ingredientele, in toata splendoarea lor:

The ingredients:

Menta trebuia sa fie proaspata, insa in casa am avut doar uscata, iar supa de legume, un litru, era pe foc. Sa nu-mi ziceti de parmezanul gata ras, stiu si eu, de-asta au avut la magazinul de jostongue.gif

The recipe calls for fresh mint, but I only had dried. The vegetable stock, 1 quart and 2 tablespoons (one liter), was simmering in another pot. Don't blame me for the already grated Parmesan, that's what I found at the grocery store downstairs.

Am taiat ceapa si telina

Chop the onion and celery stalks

Pastrav la gratar cu maioneza, capere si lamaie - Grilled trout with mayo, capers and lemon

M-am dus iar la pescarul meu preferat si-am luat pastravii acestia, langa care am adaugat

I bought these 2 trouts from my favorite fisherman then I added:

- 3 cepe verzi  - 3 scallions
- 2 linguri de capere - 2 tablespoons capers
- coaja si sucul de la jumatate de lamaie - zest and juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 lingura de patrunjel uscat (evident ca se poate pune verde, eu n-am avut la indemana) - 1 tablespoon dry (or fresh) parsley
- jumatate de cana de maioneza - 1/2 cup mayo

dupa ce-am taiat cepele le-am bagat la robot peste maioneza, am adaugat caperele, patrunjelul, sucul si coaja de lamaie si le-am robotzit pana s-au maruntzit

I chopped the onions, then put them in the blender with the mayo, capers, parsley, zest and lemon juice, process until it becomes a fine paste

am uns cu maioneza pestele pe ambele parti

brush the mayo on both sides of the trout

si l-am pus pe "gratar"

I grilled it

l-am lasat in total vreo 6-7 minute, pana a ajuns asa

for a total of 6-7 minutes

si l-am servit cu conopida de aici

then I served it with the roasted cauliflower

Pui inabusit cu migdale si seminte de pin

Ooookei, poate suna mai ciudat, dar este foarte bun. Reteta originala cere bucati de pui cu os si piele, eu din pacate n-am avut decat piept de pui dezosat si dezpielitat, dar produsul final a iesit delicios.


Pentru picada:

- 2 linguri migdale tocate (se pot inlocui cu alune)
- 2 linguri seminte de pin tocate (se pot inlocui cu nuci)
- 1 lingura patrunjel proaspat tocat (eu am pus uscat)
- 3 catei de usturoi rasi
- cateva fire de sofran, zdrobite
- 1 ou fiert tare, maruntit (eu n-am pus, am vrut sa incerc fara)

Pentru pui si sos:

- 800 gr pui
- sare, piper
- 2 linguri ulei de masline (si extra, dupa nevoie)
- 1 ceapa medie tocata
- 100 gr sherry sec (se poate inlocui cu vin alb sec)
- 300 ml supa de pui
- o conserva de 150 gr de rosii taiate (se pot inlocui cu rosii proaspete, dar trebuie marit timpul de fierbere)
- o frunza de dafin
- un varf de cutit de scortisoara

Mai intai am facut picada, punand migdalele, semintele de pin, patrunjelul, usturoiul si sofranul in blender, unde le-am procesat pana au devenit cam ca o pasta. Le-am pus deoparte intr-un castronel (aici reteta spune sa amestecati in compozitie si oul fiert tare si maruntit, dar fiindca n-am pus ou, n-am mai amestecat cu nimic).

Intre timp am pus la incins intr-o cratita cu fundul gros 2 linguri de ulei de masline. Cand a fost pe punctul de a scoate fum, am asezat in cratita jumatate din pieptii de pui, spalati si uscati cu servete de hartie, apoi condimentati cu sare si piper.

Am lasat cateva minute sa se aureasca pe ambele parti, apoi i-am scos pe o farfurie si am adaugat in cratitza a doua serie, procedand la fel ca la prima. Daca folositi pulpe si/sau ciocanele de pui, inlaturati pielea si aruncati-o - blasfemie, stiu laugh.gif)

Am adaugat in cratitza ceva ulei de masline, apoi am pus ceapa tocata si putina sare

pe care am lasat-o sa se inmoaie vreo 5 minute si am turnat peste sherry-ul

Am amestecat cu nadejde tot ce era prins pe fundul cratitzei, pe urma am mai pus supa de pui, rosiile, frunza de dafin si scortisoara si am amestecat, dupa care le-am lasat sa ajunga la fierbere

Cand a inceput sa fiarba sosul am adaugat puiul impreuna cu toata zeama pe care a lasat-o, am acoperit cratitza, am redus focul si am lasat sa fiarba domol pana ce puiul a fost patruns complet.

Apoi am scos din nou puiul pe farfurie, i-am facut un "cort" din folie de aluminiu pentru a-l mentine cald cat timp terminam sosul.

Am lasat sosul sa fiarba inca vreo 3 minute, dupa care am amestecat in el picada

L-am mai fiert la foc mic inca aproximativ 2 minute, pana s-a ingrosat

Am scos frunza de dafin, am turnat sosul peste pui si am servit, fara garnitura fiindca asa a fost cererea :D

Manicotti - Manicotti

Am vazut reteta asta la TV intr-un weekend, cand am si prestat-o. Reteta originala prevede carne de vita, pe care eu am inlocuit-o cu carne de carnati proaspeti, lucru pentru care ma pup si acum D.gif

I saw this recipe on TV on a weekend and on the spot I decided to make it. The original recipe requires ground beef, which I have replaced with Italian sweet sausage. Sensational!

Ingredientele in poza de grup: - The ingredients:

si in lista:

* 4 linguri ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 ceapa medie, tocata - one medium onion, chopped
* 700 gr carne tocata - 1.5 lbs ground meat
* 14 buc. manicotti - 14 pieces manicotti
* 450 gr ricotta - 1 lb ricotta cheese
* 300 gr mozzarella rasa - 1/2 lb grated mozzarella
* 100 gr parmezan ras - 1/4 lb Parmesan cheese
* 2 linguri patrunjel proaspat, tocat - 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
* 2 catei usturoi, maruntiti - 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
* 750 ml sos marinara (al meu a fost cumparat) - 25 oz jar marinara sauce (mine was store-bought)
* 2 linguri unt, taiat bucatele - 2 tablespoons butter, diced
* sare, piper - salt and pepper to taste

Am scos carnea din carnati si am pus-o la calit la foc mijlociu intr-o lingura de ulei de masline, impreuna cu ceapa tocata, am adaugat sare si piper si am lasat pana s-a prajit carnea iar ceapa a devenit translucida.

Take the meat out of the sausages and place it in a pan with one tablespoon olive oil and the chopped onion, over medium heat. Add salt and pepper and allow to cook until the meat is browned and the onion has softened.

Am tras-o de pe foc si-am lasat-o sa se racoreasca.

Get it off the heat and allow to cool completely.

Am uns fundul unui vas Jena cu o lingura de ulei. Am pus la fiert manicotti intr-o oala de apa clocotinda (cu sare), si am lasat cam 4 minute, pana s-au inmuiat foarte putin, dupa care i-am scos in vasul uns cu ulei ca sa se raceasca.

Brush the bottom of a Pyrex dish with one tablespoon olive oil. In a separate pot put the manicotti to boil (following the directions on the package) in salty water, for about 4 minutes, until very lightly softened. Drain the water and put the pasta in the oil-brushed Pyrex.

Am combinat ricotta, cam 150-200 gr mozzarella si 50 gr parmezan

Combine the ricotta, about 1/3 lb grated mozzarella and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

am adaugat patrunjelul, usturoiul, sare si piper dupa gust

add the parsley, garlic, salt and pepper to taste

si am amestecat totul cu simt de raspundere

mix everything thoroughly

Am incorporat in amestec si carnea prajita, racita.

incorporate the cooked and cooled meat

Dupa ce am incins cuptorul la 180C/350F, am pus pastele pe o alta farfurie si am uns din nou vasul de sticla cu cele 2 linguri de ulei ramase, peste care am intins jumatate din sosul marinara. Am umplut manicotti cu amestecul de carne si branza

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F,  put the pasta on a different platter and again brush the Pyrex dish with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread half of the marinara sauce. Stuff the manicotti with the cheese-meat mix

si am aranjat pastele intr-un singur strat peste sosul marinara.

arrange the pasta in one layer over the marinara sauce

Deasupra am intins restul de sos marinara, am presarat restul de mozzarella si parmezan ras si untul taiat bucatele mici

Spread the rest of the marinara sauce over the stuffed pasta, sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella and grated Parmesan cheese and the pieces of butter

si am lasat la cuptor cam 30-35 minute. Dupa ce le-am scos le-am lasat la odihnit 5 minute si am servit.

and bake for about 30-35 minutes. Let the food rest for about 5 minutes, then serve.

Concluzia: o nebunie, combinatia de carne de carnati cu branza e dementiala! Data viitoare insa, le fac intr-un vas mai mare, aici s-au cam inghesuit (nu ca ar fi daunat gustului D.gif)

In conclusion: the sausage meat - cheese combination is absolutely outstanding! Next time, however, I'll use a larger Pyrex dish, the pasta was a little bit crowded in this one (not that it influenced the taste!).

Fillet de Swai marinat la cuptor - Baked marinated Swai fish fillets

Am avut in congelator niste file-uri de peshte similar cu pisica-de-mare, se numeste "swai". Pestele asta trebuie cica decongelat in apa rece, dar n-a durat mai mult de 15 minute treaba. Asa ca in timp ce se decongela animalul, am scos ingredientele astea:

I had in the freezer two fillets of Swai fish, which I defrosted in cold water in about 15 minutes. While the fillets were thawing, I took out these ingredients:

- 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
- 1-2 splashes Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 cup plain kefir
- 4 cloves grated garlic
- 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
- 2 oz anchovies (made into paste)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- freshly ground pepper to taste

Am pus intr-un castron maaaaare niste kefir, cam jumatate de cana (se poate inlocui cu iaurt amestecat cu lapte batut), peste care am adaugat 2 linguri de parmezan ras, ansoalele facute pasta (au iesit cam 2 linguri), ceva sos Worcestershire, 4 catei de usturoi rasi, cam o lingura de zeama de lamaie, piper negru proaspat macinat si 2 lingurite de mustar de Dijon

Mix all the ingredients (except the fish) in a large bowl

Am bagat telul si am amestecat cu incredere toate alea, pana mi-a dat asta:

Combine very well

Am turnat maglavaisul intr-o punga tip ziploc, am bagat fileurile de peshte peste marinata si pe urma punga la frigider pt vreo 20 de minute

Pour the mix in a Ziploc bag, add the fish fillets and refrigerate for 20 minutes

Am dat drumul la broiler (flacara de sus a cuptorului) si-am pus fileurile marinate pe o tava tapetata cu folie de aluminiu. Am pastrat restul de marinata si-am bagat fileurile la cuptor, mutand gratarul aproape de broiler (banuiesc ca se pot face si coapte, folosind deci focul normal al cuptorului)

Place the marinated fillets on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil (don't dispose of the marinade), then put the fish to broil on the top rack of the oven

Le-am mai uns cu marinata din cand in cand si le-am scos cam dupa 8-10 minute, cand aratau asa:

Brush the rest of the marinade over the fish every 2 minutes and let the fillets broil for 8-10 minutes, until browned. Serve.

Timpul este doar aproximativ, va orientati voi in functie de pestele folosit.biggrin.gif


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