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Conopida cu rosii si masline verzi - Roasted cauliflower with tomatoes and green olives

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Am scos din frigider si nu numai: - the ingredients:

- o conopida - one cauliflower
- rosii cherry cam 200gr (se pot folosi orice rosii) - about 1/2 lbs cherry tomatoes (any tomatoes are usable for this recipe)
- masline verzi fara samburi cam 100 gr (ale mele au fost cu ierburi) - about 1/4 lbs pitted green olives
- doua cepe curatzate si taiate pestisori - 2 cleaned sliced onions
- 4 catzei de usturoi ciopartzitzi marunt - 4 finely chopped garlic cloves
- sare, piper negru - salt, black pepper
- piper Aleppe (aici m-au pierdut, am scos goagalu si am aflat ca piperul ala se poate inlocui cu boia iute, ceea ce am si facut) - Aleppe pepper, can be replaced with hot paprika
- 5-6 linguri ulei de masline - 5-6 tbsp olive oil
- o lingura oregano proaspat (sau uscat in cazul meu) - 1 tbsp fresh chopped oregano (can be replaced with dried oregano)
- o lingura de patrunjel verde maruntit (eu am pus uscat) - 1 tbsp fresh parsley (or dried)

am curatzat conopida de cotoare si-am facut-o bucatzele mici, dupa care am spalat-o. Pe urma am amestecat-o cu vreo 2 linguri de ulei de masline, cam jumatate de linguritza de sare si niste piper negru proaspat macinat:

clean the cauliflower, split it into small bunches and wash it, then combine it with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground black pepper

pe urma am varsat totul intr-o tava asa

put it on a baking sheet

si-am bagat la cuptorul preincins la 230 C pt cam jumatate de ora, pana ce conopida a prins culoare si s-a inmuiat putin

then place the baking sheet in the pre-heated oven (450 F) until the cauliflower browns a bit

intre timp am taiat ceapa pestisori, maslinele felii, rosiile cubuletze si am tocat usturoiul

in the meantime slice the onion, garlic and the olives and chop the tomatoes

Am pus intr-o cratitza cam 2 linguri de ulei de masline la incins, peste care am pus ceapa pestisori si am lasat cca 5 minute pana s-a mai inmuiat putintel ceapa

am turnat peste ceapa maslinele si oreganoul

in a pot heat about 2 tbsp of olive oil, add the sliced onion and let it soften for about 5 minutes, then add the olives and the oregano

 dupa care am pus usturoiul, rosiile, patrunjelul, boiaua si le-am mai lasat nitzel sa se cunoasca

then add the garlic, tomatoes, parsley and paprika and stir for a couple of minutes

am adaugat conopida coapta peste amestec

add the roasted cauliflower

 am mai invartit lingura in cratitza

stir a little bit

si gata!

and it's done! I served it with grilled trout


eatgreek.net said...

this looks delicious and easy!!! :D

Amy Bakes Everything said...

That looks wonderful, I love anything with olives!

Simona Carini said...

I agree with previous comments: this dish looks very nice. I like roasted cauliflower, so I am sure I would enjoy eating this.

Guvi said...

Thank you very much for your nice comments, I hope you'll enjoy making and/or eating this :D

TiffKey said...

This looks great! I love tomatoes and olives together!!!

Potato Chops and Boneless Chicken said...

I love roasted cauliflower and you have just taken the flavours to a whole other level. Love the addition of olives and tomatoes. Thanks, going to try it.

Guvi said...

@Potato Chops and Boneless Chicken

Thank you for the nice comment, I hope you'll enjoy the food!

Guvi said...

Thank you, TiffKey! Enjoy!

Guvi said...

@Simona thank you, it's a very nice dish, indeed :D

Guvi said...

@Amy Bakes EverythingThank you, Amy!

Guvi said...

@eatgreek.net Because it is delicious and easy :)). Thank you!

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