I bought these 2 trouts from my favorite fisherman then I added:
- 3 cepe verzi - 3 scallions
- 2 linguri de capere - 2 tablespoons capers
- coaja si sucul de la jumatate de lamaie - zest and juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 lingura de patrunjel uscat (evident ca se poate pune verde, eu n-am avut la indemana) - 1 tablespoon dry (or fresh) parsley
- jumatate de cana de maioneza - 1/2 cup mayo
dupa ce-am taiat cepele le-am bagat la robot peste maioneza, am adaugat caperele, patrunjelul, sucul si coaja de lamaie si le-am robotzit pana s-au maruntzit
I chopped the onions, then put them in the blender with the mayo, capers, parsley, zest and lemon juice, process until it becomes a fine paste
am uns cu maioneza pestele pe ambele parti
brush the mayo on both sides of the trout
si l-am pus pe "gratar"
I grilled it
l-am lasat in total vreo 6-7 minute, pana a ajuns asa
for a total of 6-7 minutes
si l-am servit cu conopida de aici
then I served it with the roasted cauliflower
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