- piept de pui taiat felii subtiri - thinly sliced chicken breast
- prosciutto, un nr. de felii egale cu cele de pui - prosciutto, same number of slices as the chicken breast
- branza provolone rasa (o cana) - grated Provolone cheese (one cup)
- smantana lichida cam 50 ml - 50 ml heavy cream
- vin alb cam jumatate de pahar (100 ml) - about 1/2 cup white wine (can be replaced with chicken stock)
- 4-5 frunze de salvie proaspata, maruntite - 4-5 chopped fresh sage leaves
- sare, piper - salt and pepper to taste
- pesmet pt snitele, al meu a fost cu nush ce gusturi de ierburi - breadcrumbs
- reteta mai cere 7 gr de porcini deshidratate, clatite si maruntite, da' mandra mea nu mananca ciuperci, asa c-am bagat ulei infuzat cu porcini, sa-mpac si capra si varza - 7 grams of dehydrated porcini mushrooms, I used some porcini infused oil instead
Am procedat asa:
- intr-o tigaie mare am pus la incins cam 2 lingurite din uleiul infuzat, peste care am adaugat puiul sarat si piperat pe ambele fete si-am lasat cam 3 minute la prajit
Salt and pepper the chicken breast slices on both sides. Heat 2 teaspoons of the porcini infused oil in a large pan, add the chicken breast and fry on one side for about 3 minutes
- am stins focul, am intors puiul pe partea ailalta, dupa care am asezat peste partea prajita prosciuttoul (eu am pus cate 2 felii de prosciutto)
Turn off the heat, turn the chicken over and cover with the prosciutto slices (I used 2 slices of prosciutto for each chicken breast)
Am transferat totul intr-un vas care merge la cuptor, fiindca manerul tigaii mele e din plastic, si am asezat peste prosciutto branza rasa
Place everything in an oven-safe dish and put the grated cheese over the prosciutto
In tigaia in care am prajit puiul am pus la incalzit vinul alb, peste care am turnat smantana lichida si frunzele de salvie. am amestecat bine si am lasat sa se incinga. Daca folositi porcini taiate, acum e momentul sa le puneti si pe ele.
In the pan I used to fry the chicken I heated the white wine, I added the heavy cream and the chopped sage leaves. If you use porcini, add them now
am pus peste puiul cu prosciutto si branza pesmetul pt snitele si-am apasat bine. dupa aia am turnat sosul din tigaie, pe langa pui, cu grija sa nu ud pesmetul
Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the chicken covered with prosciutto and cheese, press well so the breadcrumbs adhere to the chicken. Carefully pour the sauce from the pan around the chicken slices so that the breadcrumbs don't get wet.
am dat la cuptor la 240 grade cam un sfert de ora, si-am mancat
Place the dish in the preheated oven at 450F for about 15 minutes, then serve. Enjoy!
gata, stiu ce o sa gatesc azi :)
deci da, mi-am tinut cuvantul - o ne-bu-ni-e
Sar'mana muza! :)
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