Let's see the ingredients:
- 8 rosii, taiate jumatati - 8 halved tomatoes
- 2 ardei grasi, curatati si taiati in sferturi - 2 bell peppers, cleaned and quartered
- 1 ceapa medie, curatata si taiata in sferturi - 1 medium onion, cleaned and quartered
- 8 catei de usturoi (ai mei au fost mai mari, am pus doar 6) - 8 small garlic cloves (mine were larger, I only used 6)
- 4 linguri ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri otet balsamic - 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1,5 litri supa de legume (a mea a fost de pui, ca asa s-a nimerit) - 1.5 quarts vegetable or chicken broth
- 150-180 gr pasta de tomate - 5 oz tomato paste
- thyme proaspat (o varianta mai occidentalizata cica a cimbrului), merge si uscat daca proaspat nu e - fresh or dried thyme
- sare, piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
Se preincalzeste cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius. Rosiile, ardeii si ceapa se aranjeaza cu pielita in sus intr-o tava.
Preheat the oven to 400 F. Lay the tomatoes, bell peppers and onion skin up on a baking sheet.
Se amesteca usturoiul dat pe razatoare sau taiat marunt (cum preferati), sarea, piperul, thyme, otetul balsamic, 2 linguri de ulei de masline
Combine the grated (or finely chopped, if you prefer) garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, balsamic vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small recipient
Acest preafrumos si gustos amestec
se toarna cu duiosie peste legume
pour the mix over the vegetables
dupa care se introduce tava la cuptor pentru 45-50 minute.
and put the baking sheet in the oven for 45-40 minutes.
Cand legumele sunt gata, intr-o oala de supa se incalzesc cele doua linguri de ulei ramase cu pasta de tomate.
When the veggies are baked, heat the 2 remaining tablespoons of olive oil with the tomato paste
Se adauga legumele scoase din cuptor, cu tot sosul pe care l-au lasat in tava, si se amesteca fara mila
Add the baked veggies and their juices, stir to combine
Acum e momentul sa turnam si zeama de supa de legume (mie mi-a fugit din poza, scuze), si mai lasam 5-10 minute sa se imprieteneasca toate.
Add the vegetable broth and allow to boil together for 5-10 mimutes
Dupa ce au dat un clocot-doua, se introduce in oala mixerul/blenderul/cum vreti sa-l numiti pentru supa si se transforma totul intr-o minunata crema la care se adauga busuioc, de preferinta proaspat. Aici am constatat ca nu mai am decat uscat, asa ca asta am pus.
After everything came up to a boil, use the vertical mixer to transform the content into a cream. Add basil (preferably fresh, but I only had dried) and serve.
Pofta mare!
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