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Manicotti - Manicotti

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Am vazut reteta asta la TV intr-un weekend, cand am si prestat-o. Reteta originala prevede carne de vita, pe care eu am inlocuit-o cu carne de carnati proaspeti, lucru pentru care ma pup si acum D.gif

I saw this recipe on TV on a weekend and on the spot I decided to make it. The original recipe requires ground beef, which I have replaced with Italian sweet sausage. Sensational!

Ingredientele in poza de grup: - The ingredients:

si in lista:

* 4 linguri ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 ceapa medie, tocata - one medium onion, chopped
* 700 gr carne tocata - 1.5 lbs ground meat
* 14 buc. manicotti - 14 pieces manicotti
* 450 gr ricotta - 1 lb ricotta cheese
* 300 gr mozzarella rasa - 1/2 lb grated mozzarella
* 100 gr parmezan ras - 1/4 lb Parmesan cheese
* 2 linguri patrunjel proaspat, tocat - 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
* 2 catei usturoi, maruntiti - 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
* 750 ml sos marinara (al meu a fost cumparat) - 25 oz jar marinara sauce (mine was store-bought)
* 2 linguri unt, taiat bucatele - 2 tablespoons butter, diced
* sare, piper - salt and pepper to taste

Am scos carnea din carnati si am pus-o la calit la foc mijlociu intr-o lingura de ulei de masline, impreuna cu ceapa tocata, am adaugat sare si piper si am lasat pana s-a prajit carnea iar ceapa a devenit translucida.

Take the meat out of the sausages and place it in a pan with one tablespoon olive oil and the chopped onion, over medium heat. Add salt and pepper and allow to cook until the meat is browned and the onion has softened.

Am tras-o de pe foc si-am lasat-o sa se racoreasca.

Get it off the heat and allow to cool completely.

Am uns fundul unui vas Jena cu o lingura de ulei. Am pus la fiert manicotti intr-o oala de apa clocotinda (cu sare), si am lasat cam 4 minute, pana s-au inmuiat foarte putin, dupa care i-am scos in vasul uns cu ulei ca sa se raceasca.

Brush the bottom of a Pyrex dish with one tablespoon olive oil. In a separate pot put the manicotti to boil (following the directions on the package) in salty water, for about 4 minutes, until very lightly softened. Drain the water and put the pasta in the oil-brushed Pyrex.

Am combinat ricotta, cam 150-200 gr mozzarella si 50 gr parmezan

Combine the ricotta, about 1/3 lb grated mozzarella and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

am adaugat patrunjelul, usturoiul, sare si piper dupa gust

add the parsley, garlic, salt and pepper to taste

si am amestecat totul cu simt de raspundere

mix everything thoroughly

Am incorporat in amestec si carnea prajita, racita.

incorporate the cooked and cooled meat

Dupa ce am incins cuptorul la 180C/350F, am pus pastele pe o alta farfurie si am uns din nou vasul de sticla cu cele 2 linguri de ulei ramase, peste care am intins jumatate din sosul marinara. Am umplut manicotti cu amestecul de carne si branza

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F,  put the pasta on a different platter and again brush the Pyrex dish with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread half of the marinara sauce. Stuff the manicotti with the cheese-meat mix

si am aranjat pastele intr-un singur strat peste sosul marinara.

arrange the pasta in one layer over the marinara sauce

Deasupra am intins restul de sos marinara, am presarat restul de mozzarella si parmezan ras si untul taiat bucatele mici

Spread the rest of the marinara sauce over the stuffed pasta, sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella and grated Parmesan cheese and the pieces of butter

si am lasat la cuptor cam 30-35 minute. Dupa ce le-am scos le-am lasat la odihnit 5 minute si am servit.

and bake for about 30-35 minutes. Let the food rest for about 5 minutes, then serve.

Concluzia: o nebunie, combinatia de carne de carnati cu branza e dementiala! Data viitoare insa, le fac intr-un vas mai mare, aici s-au cam inghesuit (nu ca ar fi daunat gustului D.gif)

In conclusion: the sausage meat - cheese combination is absolutely outstanding! Next time, however, I'll use a larger Pyrex dish, the pasta was a little bit crowded in this one (not that it influenced the taste!).


Anonymous said...

asta e manicotti???doamne ce prost poti fi!!!carne de carnati dute si veziti de treaba ca nai nici o treaba cu gatitul penalule!!!

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