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Fricassee de pui - Chicken Fricassee

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cu alte cuvinte, iata ce ne trebuie: - Ingredients

- aproximativ 1 kg carne de pui taiat in bucati (eu am pus copane dezosate si despielitate) - about 2 lbs chicken meat, chopped (I used skinless boneless thighs)
- 2 cepe tocate marunt - 2 medium onions, finely chopped
- 25 gr unt - 1 tablespoon butter
- 250 ml vin alb sec - 1 cup dry white wine
- tarhon, rozmarin, busuioc, cimbru, o foaie de dafin. eu am adaugat si niste seminte de telina - tarragon, rosemary, basil, thyme, one bay leaf. I also added some celery seeds
- 1 lingurita suc de lamaie - 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 75 ml frisca lichida - 75 ml heavy cream
- 3 linguri de patrunjel proaspat, tocat - 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 lingura de faina (se poate pune mai multa daca doriti un sos mai vartos, mie mi-a placut asa) - 1 tablespoon flour (you can add more if you want a thicker sauce, I liked it like this)
- 2 linguri de ulei - 2 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste

In plus, pe langa cele din poza, mai sunt necesare cam 200 gr de ciuperci, pe care eu nu le-am pus pentru ca fandosita de fiica-mea nu mananca, si de cam jumatate de litru de supa de pui pe care am scos-o ulterior din frigider.

The recipe also calls for 1/2 mushrooms, which I did not add because my daughter doesn't like them, and for about 2 cups chicken stock, which I got from the fridge

Preincalziti cuptorul la 180 grade C/350 F. Dupa ce ati spalat puiul, uscati-l cu servete de hartie.

Pre-heat the oven at 180C/350F. Rinse the chicken and pat it dry with kitchen towels.

Puneti jumatate din cantitatea de unt impreuna cu uleiul intr-o tigaie, adaugati puiul

In a pan heat the oil with half of the butter, then add the chicken

Prajiti la foc mare, intorcand puiul din cand in cand, pana prinde o culoare usor maronie pe ambele fete, apoi scoateti-l intr-un recipient care merge la cuptor, lasand sucurile in cratita/tigaia in care l-ati prajit

Fry the chicken on high heat, turning it over periodically, until lightly browned on both sides, then place it in an oven-proof recipient. Leave the juices in the pan you fried the chicken in 

Amestecati faina in sucurile ramase in cratita

Mix the flour in the juices left in the pan

adaugati vinul si amestecati bine

add the wine and mix to combine

 turnati supa de pui, racaind pe fundul cratitei pentru a desprinde toate resturile ramase de la puiul prajit, apoi adaugati ierburile, foaia de dafin, sucul de lamaie, sare si piper dupa gust

add the chicken stock, scraping the bottom of the pan to get all the brown bits from the fried chicken, then all the herbs, bay leaf, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste

 aduceti la punctul de fierbere, amestecand mereu

bring it to a boil, stirring continuously

Puiul prajit in caserola:

Fried chicken in its recipient

peste care turnam sosul care s-a ingrosat putin si dam la cuptor, acoperit, pentru cam o ora

pour over the thickened sauce, cover and place in the oven for an hour

In cratita/tigaia in care am prajit puiul topim restul de unt, la care adaugam ceapa (si ciupercile, daca folositi), amestecand frecvent, cam 5 minute, pana se aureste

 Using the pan the chicken was fried in, add the rest of butter, add the onions (and mushrooms, if used) and stir frequently for about 5 minutes until golden

turnam ceapa peste pui si bagam inapoi la cuptor cam jumatate de ora sau pana cand puiul este gata

pour the onion mix over the chicken and place back in the oven for about 30 minutes or until the chicken is done

am adaugat la pui frisca lichida si patrunjelul proaspat

add the heavy cream and fresh parsley

am amestecat bine

stir very well

si am servit cu piure cu unt, usturoi si spanac crud

and serve with mashed potatoes mixed with grated garlic, butter and chopped fresh spinach

Pofta mare!



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