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Baked Basa Roulades

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


2-3 Basa fillets
2 red bell peppers
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon
4 cloves of garlic
dry white wine
salt and pepper to taste

Place the red peppers on highest rack in oven and broil. Rotate until burned on all sides. Place in a plastic bag until cool. 

Mix vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper.

Peel away the charred outer layer of red pepper. Seed, cut into strips, and soak in vinaigrette for 15 minutes. 

Preheat oven to 450 degrees for 15 minutes.

Layer the strips on the fillet, 

roll up and tie with thread (I left them untied).

Place rolled fillets in a shallow baking dish, in 1/2 inch of white wine. Bake on middle rack, covered, for 30 minutes, or until the fillets are opaque.


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Zazuza said...

io nu vad niciun aparat de facut sport aicea :)). ori zici ca obosim de la dus furculita la gura?! :)) (ps: pentru ca mi-e rau nonstopnonstop de catava vreme, ti-am zis io oare alea alea muah muah pupici pupici de 1 martie?! daca nu, zisai acuma)

Happy said...

Cum se traduize rulada asta? Ce ie basa? Nu de alta dar pare serios de lăucarb dacă dau de-o-parte whitevwine-ul ăla.

Guvi said...

Zazu, sa fie primit :))

Hepi, merge cu orice file de peste nitel mai grosut, basa cica e pisica de mare (nu bag mana in foc). E bunutz, fa linistita fara vin!

Happy said...

Aha, tenchiu. N-am pisică de mare, crezi că merge să fac cu pisică de apartament? (din aia care face miau-miau - știu ie întrebare tipică de pe ciulinar, nu m-am putut abțâne să n-o pun, poți să-mi mărești warnu', nu mă supăr)
Notat, salvat, salivat, se face!

Guvi said...

Daca o bati bine, sa fie plata, cred ca merge :))

Happy said...

Cu tenderizatorul o s-o bat, să-i meargă toți fulgii. Mersik de sfaturi.

Anonymous said...

This recipe was wonderful. Easy to make and I did not tie the fish, it is a firm fish when cooked and very easy to remove from dish after cooking and the fish held it's shape. YUMMY

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