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Roasted Fennel Salad

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

- 1 fennel bulb, fronds reserved
- 1 organic orange
- olive oil, for frying 
- Fleur de sel (sea salt) and freshly ground black pepper
- small red onion, about 1/2
- a handful toasted pine nuts
- zest and juice of 1 lemon

Trim the fennel, reserving a handful of green fronds. Cut into slices about 1/4-inch thick. Heat a little olive oil in a saute pan, and, working in batches and seasoning with salt and pepper as you go, fry the fennel on both sides until golden and tender. As the fennel is done, arrange it on a serving platter.

Zest the orange and set the zest aside. Remove the skin with a sharp knife, taking care to remove all the white pith from the fruit. Discard the peel. Cut out the orange sections, arranging over the fennel, and squeeze the orange juice over the whole salad.

Slice the onion into paper thin rings and arrange over the salad. Scatter over the pine nuts. Squeeze over lemon juice, to taste. Drizzle over a little more olive oil. Finally, scatter over the reserved fennel fronds. Serve and enjoy!
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Zazuza said...

gata, mi-am luat obiceiul de a veni aici dimineata! mult mai bine e :))! tot zic sa incerc si eu fenicul, in Austria e la mare cautare, nu stiu ce tot astept ;))

Guvi said...

baga mare, ca e bun rau! eu l-am mancat ca pe cartofi prajiti :))

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