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Apple cookies - Fursecuri cu mere

Saturday, December 25, 2010

This recipe comes also from Bianca, thank you, my dear! Ingredients: 60 gr sugar, 1 package vanilla sugar, 2 eggs, 100 gr butter, 250 gr flour, 1/2 package baking powder (5 gr), 2 medium apples, confectioners' sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger.

Reteta este a Biancai-21 de pe culinar, careia ii multumesc foate mult! Ingrediente: 60 gr. zahar, 1 zahar vanilat, 2 oua, 100 gr unt, 250 gr faina, 1/2 pachet praf de copt, 2 mere, zahar pudra, nucsoara, scortisoara, ghimbir.

Chop the apples finely

Curatati si taiati merele

Mix all the ingredients except the apples

Faceti un aluat din toate ingredientele (cu exceptia merelor)

Add the apples

Adaugati merele

Place one-tablespoon stacks of dough on a baking cooking sheet covered with parchment paper

Puneti cate o lingura de compozitie pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt

Bake for 10 minutes at 200 Celsiuls/400 Fahrenheit and powder with confectioners' sugar

Coaceti 10 minute la 200 grade Celsius/400 Fahrenheit si apoi pudrati cu zahar pudra

Eat! :D


Happy said...


Ok mom!

N-ai maimutza de aia care inghite... sa-ti aduca mosul!

Maya said...

Mmmm,ce misto arata furesecurile astea!Merci !

Un An Nou fericit si numai bucurii va doresc! Pup Guvi mic si pe tine of course :-*

Guvi said...


Multumesc, Maya!

La Multi Ani si voua, si blanosilor! Sa aveti parte de tot ce e mai bun si sa va bucurati unii de altii!

Anonymous said...

vai de mine, nu stiam reteta asta, deci nu pot sa o fac ACUM si sunt frustrata :))

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