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Okra and Chicken Breast Stew - Mancare de pui cu bame

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Foarte, foarte simplu:

Extremely simple:

- 1 ceapa medie, tocata - 1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
- 2 linguri ulei de masline - 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 500 gr bame (eu am avut congelate) - 1 lb frozen okra 
- 500 gr piept de pui dezosat si dezpielitat, taiat bucati potrivite - 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut in medium pieces
- suc de rosii, sare si piper dupa gust - tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste

Tocati ceapa - chop the onion

Intr-o cratita incingeti uleiul la foc potrivit, adaugati ceapa, sarea si piperul, lasati-le sa se inmoaie putin, apoi adaugati pieptul de pui taiat in bucati potrivite, lasati totul la inabusit 10-15 minute

In a pan heat the oil over medium heat, add the chopped onion, salt and pepper, allow to soften a bit, then add the cut chicken breast, let everything cook for 10-15 minutes

Adaugati bamele

Add the okra

Eu am adaugat niste chili si putin sos de rosii, am mai lasat cateva minute si apoi am servit

I added some chili pepper and a little bit of tomato sauce, allowed everything to get together for 5-10 minutes then served it


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