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Chiftele - Meatballs

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fiica-mii ii plac teribil de mult, si nici nu-s mare inginerie. Se fac repede si se pot asorta la orice garnitura. Puteti folosi orice fel de carne, eu am folosit asa:

- 250 gr carne de porc tocata
- 250 gr carne de vita tocata
- 1 legatura de ceapa verde, maruntita
- 2 catei de usturoi, dati pe razatoare
- 2 oua
- 1 morcov mic, ras
- cimbru uscat
- patrunjel uscat
- sare, piper dupa gust
- foarte putin sos iute
- o lingura sos Worcestershire
- faina
- ulei pentru prajit

These are my daughter's absolute favorites, she eats them like candy. They are very easy to make and go with basically any side dish. You can make them with any type of meat, this is what I used:
- 1/2 lb ground pork meat
- 1/2 lb beef ground meat
- 1 bunch scallions, finely chopped (can be replaced with shallots or 1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped)
- 2 garlic cloves, grated
- 2 large eggs
- 1 small carrot, grated
- dried thyme
- dried parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
- a dash tabasco sauce
- one tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- flour
- oil to fry

Intr-un castron puneti toate ingredientele, mai putin faina si uleiul

Put all ingredients, except the flour and oil, in a large bowl

Amestecati totul foarte bine

Mix everything very well, until completely combined

Pe o farfurie separata puneti faina (cam 3-4 linguri)

Put 3-4 tablespoons of flour on a separate plate

Umeziti-va palmele cu apa si, luand cam cate o lingura rasa din compozitia de carne, incepeti sa formati mingiute pe care apoi le tavaliti prin faina

Wet your palms with water and, taking about one tablespoon of the meat mixture, form small balls and roll them in flour

Turnati cam 1 cm de ulei vegetal intr-o tigaie de marime potrivita si lasati-l la incins. Puneti chiftelele la prajit in uleiul incins (eu le aplatizez putin inainte de a le praji, ca sa fiu sigura ca se patrund).

In a pan pour about 1 cm of vegetable oil and heat it. Put the meatballs to fry (I usually flatten them a bit before frying, this way I make sure they are completely done).

Cand sunt rumenite pe o parte, intoarceti-le pe partea cealalta si lasati-le sa se prajeasca. Scoateti-le pe un servet de hartie, pentru ca uleiul sa fie absorbit.

When browned on one side, turn them over and allow to fry on the other side, too. Get them out of the pan onto a plate with kitchen towels, so that the oil gets absorbed.

Lasati-le sa se raceasca putin, inainte de a va infige dintii in ele! Pofta mare!

 Let them cool a bit, before biting from one! Enjoy!


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