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Cream of Roasted Bell Peppers Soup - Supa-crema de ardei copti

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ce ne trebuie: - We need:
- 4 ardei grasi spalati, curatati, taiati in jumatati; - 4 bell peppers, cleaned and cut in halves
- o ceapa potrivita - one medium onion
- niste catzei de usturoi, io am pus vreo 4 - 4 garlic cloves
- zeama de legume cam 2 litri - 2 quarts vegetable stock
- putin ulei de masline - some olive oil
- sare, piper (eu am pus rosu) - salt and pepper to taste (I used red pepper)

Mai intai am pus ardeii la copt

First put the peppers to broil on "High"

si i-am lasat pana au ajuns la faza asta:

and leave them until they get like this:

dupa care i-am curatat

then peel the charred skin

cat s-au racorit putin ardeii, sa nu ma frig la degete cand ii curat, am tocat ceapa si usturoiul

while the peppers cool a bit before peeling, finely chop the onion and garlic

pe care le-am pus la perpelit in uleiul incins impreuna cu sare, piper, niste patrunjel uscat si o cana de supa de legume

heat a little bit of olive oil in a pot, add the onion, garlic, salt and pepper to taste, some dried parsley and one cup vegetable stock

le-am lasat pana a scazut bine zeama, dupa care am adaugat ardeii curatati si taiati marunt

allow the liquid to reduce, then add the roasted peppers, cleaned and chopped

dupa vreo 5 minute am adaugat si restul de supa de legume si zemurile lasate de ardei la copt

after 5 minutes add the rest of the vegetable stock together with the liquids from the roasted peppers

am acoperit si am lasat sa fiarba la foc mic cam jumatate de ora, apoi am bagat totul la blender, am potrivit de sare si piper. Si gata!

cover it and let it simmer for about 30 minutes, then puree it and check the taste for salt and pepper. Enjoy!


Maya said...

Mmmm,alta supa cremuita buna-buna!

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