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Cream of Celery Root and Potatoes Soup - Supa crema de telina si cartofi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We need:


- 3 cartofi medii - 3 medium potatoes, peeled
- 1 ceapa mare - 1 large onion, chopped
- 1 radacina telina - 1 large celery root
- 2 frunze proaspete de salvie - 2 fresh sage leaves, chopped
- thyme proaspat - 1 fresh thyme sprig
- smantana lichida - 1 cup heavy cream
- 3 litri supe de legume (sau de pui) - 3 quarts vegetable stock (or chicken stock)
- patrunjel - parsley (dried or fresh)
- sare, piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste

Tocati ceapa, cartofii, telina

Finely chop the onion, dice the potatoes and celery root

Puneti totul intr-o oala la inabusit

Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a pot, add onion, celery root and potatoes, let them soften a bit

adaugati 3 litri supa de legume (sau de pui, daca preferati), thyme-ul proaspat, patrunjel, sare, piper dupa gust si lasati sa fiarba la foc mic pana ce sunt gata legumele

Add 3 quarts vegetable stock (or chicken, if you prefer), fresh thyme, parsley, salt and pepper to taste and allow to boil on low heat until vegetables are cooked

varsati in blender legumele si procesati amestecul

place veggies in blender, mix well

Amestecati totul inapoi in supa, adaugati smantana lichida si reincalziti usor pana la punctul de fierbere, apoi serviti

Mix the processed veggies in the soup, add the heavy cream and bring to the boiling point, then serve



Maya said...

Mmmmm,suna bine.Tre' s-o fac si eu!Supele cremuite sînt preferatele mele :)

Guvi said...

Si ale mele, mai ales ca sunt si usor de facut!
P.S. Ce bine-mi pare ca te vad! :D

Green Girl @ A little bit of everything said...

saru'mana de idee, chiar cautam o reteta cu radacina de telina sa-i mai dau lu' Bubu si eram in pana tare.

Maya said...

Îmi pare bine ca te-am gasit!Am dat de blogul tau citind comentariile pe blogul lui Happy :)

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