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Dinner Rolls - Chifle

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Aceasta reteta apartine Laurei, careia ii multumesc inca odata pentru ca a impartasit-o cu noi!

This is Laura's recipe, thank you for sharing it, Laura!

Ingredientele sunt acestea: - Ingredients 

mai concret

- 500 gr faina - 1 lb and 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
- 1 lingura drojdie uscata - 1 tablespoon dry yeast
- 1 lingura zahar - 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 lingurita sare - 1 teaspoon salt
- 6 linguri ulei - 6 tablespons vegetable oil
- 300 ml apa calduta - 300 ml lukewarm water
- sare grunjoasa, mac, seminte de susan pentru presarat, ce preferati - kosher salt, poppy seeds, sesame seeds to sprinkle, whichever you prefer
- 1 galbenus de ou, smantana pentru uns - 1 egg yolk, sour cream

Intr-un bol mic amestecati drojdia cu zaharul - combine the yeast and sugar in a small bowl

adaugati putin din cei 300 ml de apa calduta si amestecati - add a bit of water from the 300 ml and combine thoroughly

Intr-un vas mare (eu am pus in bolul de la KA) cerneti faina, adaugati sarea, uleiul, restul de apa din cei 300 ml si amestecul de drojdie cu zahar - in a big bowl (I used the bowl from the KitchenAid) pour the flour, salt, oil, the rest of water from the initial 300 ml, add the yeast mix

Acum l-am pus pe KA la treaba, el are muschii mai mari, evident ca aluatul poate fi framantat cu mana sau la masina de paine - now I asked the KA to do the job for me, but obviously the dough can be kneaded by hand or using the breadmaker

Aluatul se framanta pana se desprinde de peretii vasului, este elastic si nelipicios. Este posibil sa mai fie nevoie sa adaugati 1-2 linguri de faina, sau dimpotriva putin lichid - Knead the dough until it's elastic and smooth. You may need to add 1-2 tablespoons of flour or, on the contrary, a little more liquid to get the dough as described

ungeti cu putin ulei peretii unui castron mare, puneti aluatul in el - using your fingers, oil the sides of a large bowl, then place the dough in it

intoarceti aluatul pe toate partile, astfel incat sa fie tot acoperit cu o pelicula de ulei - turn the dough over on all sides so that it's completely oiled

si puneti-l la dospit pentru 30 minute intr-un loc ferit de curent, eu am folosit cuptorul cu microunde, stins, evident - then place the dough to rise for about 30 minutes, I used the microwave oven, turned off obviously.

 asa arata dupa 30 minute: - after 30 minutes:

pentru ca ma ocupam de altceva la momentul respectiv, am lasat aluatul in continuare la crescut inca jumatate de ora - as I was busy with something else at the time, I left the dough to rise for another half hour 

si scos de la crescut - after it finished rising

acum e momentul sa incingeti cuptorul, la 180 grade Celsius/350 Farenheit - preheat the oven at 180C/350F

am scos aluatul pe un blat de sticla - I put the dough on a glass cutting board, you can use whatever you wish

si l-am impartit in 4 - and divided it in 4 pieces

 fiecare sfert l-am impartit apoi in 3 - split each quarter in 3 pieces

intindeti fiecare bucata intr-o forma cat de cat trapezoidala, apoi ungeti suprafata cu putin ulei. Puteti folosi mainile sau sucitorul, cum preferati, eu mi-am pus manutele la treaba - stretch each dough piece in a trapezoidal form, as much as possible. You can use a rolling pin or just simply your hands, as you prefer (I used my hands), then slightly oil the surface

rulati incepand de la partea mai lunga - roll starting from the longer side

si apoi rasuciti intr-un nod - then tie in a knot

procedati la fel cu fiecare bucata de aluat, apoi se aseaza toate intr-o tava pe hartie de copt, lasand spatiu intre ele - repeat for each piece of dough, then place all on a cookie sheet covered with baking paper

intr-un vas mic, amestecati un galbenus de ou cu o lingura de smantana - in a small bowl, mix well one egg yolk with one tablespoon sour cream

ungeti chiflele cu amestecul rezultat - brush the mix over the rolls

si presarati cu sare grunjoasa, mac, seminte de susan sau ce doriti si introduceti la cuptor pentru 20-25 minute - sprinkle with kosher salt, poppy seeds, sesami seeds, or anything else you wish and like, then put in the preheated oven, at 180C/350F, for 20-25 minutes

si sunt gata! - and they're done!

sectiune - section

Avertisment: nu va veti putea opri la una singura!

Warning: you won't be able to stop at eating just one!


Pille Ploomipuu said...

Inviting recipe indeed. I'll try to make it.
Congratulations on Your pleasant and original website, I'll be following regularly.
Best wishes!

Guvi said...


Thank you very much, Pille, for your visit and very kind words. You're welcome here, please feel like home!

Green Girl @ A little bit of everything said...

saptamana viitoare fac si eu cornurile/chiflele Laurei, nu-mi trebuie decat fo' 24 :)) sau 36 nu mai stiu exact cate dozen =))

Guvi said...

@Green Girl @ A little bit of everything

te descurci tu, ca doar ai doua cuptoare :D :))

Anonymous said...

baaai, tu ai ken, nu ma mai joc. sa faci tu chifle atuncia.

Guvi said...


pai am facut, acu fa si tu :D

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