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Pecan cookies - Fursecuri cu nuca

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! This recipe comes from Bianca, and I thank her for it.

So here we have: 125 gr ground pecans, 250 gr all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 100 gr corn starch, 150 gr confectioners' sugar, 2 packages vanilla sugar, one pinch of salt, 250 gr softened butter, cocoa

Ne trebuie: 125 gr nuci macinate, 250 gr faina, 1 lingurita praf de copt, 100 gr amidon, 150 gr zahar pudra, 2 pachete zahar vanilat, un varf cutit sare, 250 gr unt moale, cacao

I put everything in the kitchen robot to do the work for me :D

Am pus totul in robotul de bucatarie

Mix until you get a dough

Amestecati pana obtineti un aluat 

 I formed 4 rolls from the dough, of about 1 inch in diameter

Am format 4 suluri din aluat, de aproximativ 2,5 cm diametru

Pour some cocoa on aluminum foil

Pe o folie de aluminiu turnati cacao

Roll the dough through in cocoa, wrap in the aluminum foil, then put in the fridge for 2-3 hours (or overnight)

Tavaliti sulurile prin cacao, impachetati in folie de alumiuniu si puneti la frigider pentri 2-3 ore (sau peste noapte)

Cut the dough in 1/2 inch thick rolls

Taiati aluatul in banuti de 1 - 1,5 cm

Bake for 10 minutes at 350 F, be careful, they burn quickly!

Se coc la 180°C circa 10-15 minute, aveti grija ca se ard!

Leave them in the baking sheet for a minute, otherwise you won't be able to get them out. And the final photo:

Lasati-i un minut, altfel nu-i veti putea scoate

They are just delicious!


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