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Peas, Carrots and Chicken Stew

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Of course I had planned for today a totally different meal, but on the way home from school my daughter said she wanted me to make this stew for her. She loves this dish a lot and I always make it with pleasure, because it reminds me of my own childhood. I must admit I'm extremely happy that my daughter loves vegetables and totally dislikes fast-food.

Don't think that the vegetarian version is less tasty! The advantages of this recipe: it's done quickly and the meatless version can be served as a side dish.

So I got from the fridge one chicken breast of about 2/3 lb, about 5 thin scallions and some fresh dill; from the pantry some vegetable oil and tomato paste, and from the freezer approximately 1lb peas and carrots mix.

I cubed the chicken into 1-inch pieces, then added it to a pan in heated vegetable oil (about 2 tbsp)

I seasoned the meat with salt and pepper and turn it on all sides, on medium heat, allowing it to saute until no longer pink. That's when I added the chopped scallions and let everything cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring every now and then.

It was time for the peas and carrots mix, some more stirring and 1/2 cup of water

After letting it cook, covered, for about 5 minutes, I added 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, a pinch of sweet paprika for colour and 1 1/2 cups of water

I again covered the pan and allowed everything to cook until both the chicken and peas/carrots mix were tender. I chopped the dill (about 1/2 bunch), stirred it in, then let the sauce reduce a bit

and served it with fresh baguette. Sorry, there's no picture of the plated food here because my daughter was rioting already :))

Sandiii, enjoy! :lol:


Happy said...

Dacă aveți nevoie de traducerea în limba română a pozelor vă rog să mă apelați cu încredere.

Mesaj important pentru Sandibela: fatah, să nu te prind cu mazarea-ntre dinț', și pescuiește doar cărnițu' că eu nu stric ceaiul pe tine, da? Când va fi liberare la carbohidraț' am să te anunț. Nah, hai, m-am răzgândit, Sandibela are voie să miroase mâncărica asta, și îi dau voie să deguste 5/7 dintr-un bob de mazăre.

Mă laud și eu aici că eu am primit azi cartofi pireu tocmai de la Austria, ich liebe dich Zazuza! Am zis aici ca să se audă până la Ciorogârla.

Era să uit, pentru tipele nevorbitoare de română, tot ce am avut eu de zis aici e: MVAAAAIIIII!!!!!

Sandi said...

Am halit deja jumatate de bob de mazare?? Da? Carnea am halit-o pe tuata-tuata ca-mi era tare fuame.

Guvi sa traiesti, sa infloresti, niciodata sa n-o belesti!!

Astept friptura, ca am dezlegare!!Te pup fata !!!Ma bucur ca se mai gandeste lumea si la fuamea mea...

stormy said...

Pe voi va maninca nu numai pielea, ci si limba.

Sandi, hen, ia mai revizuieste-ti urarile...:))

Sandi said...

E prietena mea! I-am urat din suflet!!

God bless America!!

stormy said...

da, fata, da e prea tinara sa-i urezi aia :))

Happy said...

Sandi a mancat prea multa mazare. In rest reteta e perfecta, nu e nici porn food, nici sado-moso food, e doar un happy food, aleluia.

Translation/ traduction: Dear friends, Sandi ate too much and many peas, vorba traducatorului profesionist. Awesome, mvaii, mvaiii, mvaaaaaaiii!!!!

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